Saturday, August 16, 2014

Way to the (my) heart

      Warm weather is coming!! Yesterday my mom texted me she was sad that summer is coming to an end. I responded with "Yay! That means its coming here!" We have been having some pretty awesome weather lately. Averaging this month pretty much in the 70's. A handful of rainy days in-between but nothing to complain about. Now that we are getting closer and closer to warm weather we are planning a week vacation to go see some African wildlife. Hopefully next week we will be making final reservations. -- fingers crossed for nice weather, don't want to go in the rain--
      So this blog unfortunately isn't to show off sweet scenery or indigenous African animals. This time I would like to share with you my passion. FOOD <3!!! I am obsessed with food. They say the way to a mans heart is his stomach, but trust me, food is a direct route to mine. Bobby knows that all he has to do to make me happy is feed me. Everything else is secondary. ;) That being said, we have struggled to find food that taste as good as what we are used to back home. Which in turn has lead me to cooking, A LOT! The best way to to explain it just to show you. These aren't in any particular order just stuff I have made in the past few weeks.
4 types of chicken fingers.
Top Left- Italian-ish (tossed in olive oil, Italian
seasoning, paprika and oregano)

Bottom left- plain breaded
Top Right- Parmesan breaded
Bottom right- Ranch seasoningServed with homemade fries and ranch
I preferred the parmesan ones, B liked the italian ones .

My first attempt at making chicken curry. I bought the most
mild flavor I could get at the store. To me it tasted like nothing.
It wasn't bad, but I would try something else next time.

Sour Cream and Onion Lays Chip breaded chicken,
served with parmesan baby marrow (American name- zucchini) sticks.
This was surprisingly good. Great actually. Recommend anyone
 to try breading chicken with their favorite potato chip.

Brinjal/Aubergine Parmesan (American translation- Eggplant)
Too lazy to make homemade pasta sauce,
but it was my first time making eggplant. Really enjoyed it!
Dijon mustard glazed thighs with potatoes
(I dont remember exacty, but it was
 mustard, soy, italian seasoning,...with thinly sliced potatoes below it)
This was ok. Might change it up if I do it again. However it was
 nice to have dinner all in one pan. Really simple in that aspect.
Moms spaghetti recipe!! MMMmmm our favorite.
I made another curry. This time it was so good I forgot to get the picture. haha.
I am in love. It was so spicy that our
noses were running, but worth it.
Eggplant Parm with homemade sauce
(Best part about making homemade sauce--it can last for numerous meals.)
This was the best I have ever made. Euphoric! 
I didnt make this, but included it because it's the
Best hamburger in Cape Town.
A place called NOB burger, only serves 5 burgers, no sides.
It is gigantic, B and I usually split it.)
Pork Chops served with beans and corn
Pork was ok. Beans were ok. Corn was horrible.
I dont eat canned corn often/ever, holy cow that was gross.
We usually get the corn on the cob, this was late minute
thrown together. Never again.

Meatloaf with marrow chips
Good, but we were still hungry after. 

Mini meatball subs
Pretty good. We both ate them all up, no leftovers. 
     You can see that I love to eat. You may have also noticed, I don't like my food to touch. I am really bad at making a pretty presentation on the plate because it grosses me out. Hopefully we can look past that and just judge on the taste. hehe. Below are a few photos from... well just random really. Things we do and me trying to capture them. =)

Tableview. Just as it sounds. Its a place in Cape Town with
exquisite views of Table Mountain. Also you may recognize
 Lions Head, the little mountain to the right. That is where we live.

A few days ago it was just an average day. Within
minutes this fog rolled in and covered the city. It was
 pretty spectacular to watch being that we were above it.
I even had to Facetime Mom to show her. B wasn't
as entertained by it as I was. Guess I am easily impressed. 

Picture of the crowds below. That is a sure sign the weather is
getting warmer. Lots and lots of people out there.

Driving home from playing golf a few days
ago. I was able to catch the sun go down from the
car window. We were going to pullover, but it went too quickly.
Many more sunsets in our future. 
      That is all I have to say. Hope everyone at back home is enjoying life. Seems like this world is in a bit of chaos lately. Take time to appreciate the ones you have around you. I miss you all more than you could ever know.
***Mom please get your plane ticket soon, it's going on 9 months since I've seen you. I don't know how much longer I can go. =( ***
Cheers for now! XOXO from South Africa!