Friday, October 10, 2014

Lion's Head and a Language Lesson

     Yay!! It's October! My favorite month. =) Happy Fall to you all. It's finally Spring time here!! Looking oh so forward to warmer weather. Things haven't been that exciting lately, so I naturally I haven't written a new entry in a while. Today... all that changes.
     We finally hiked Lion's Head. (2,195 ft above sea level.) It takes a little over an hour to hike to the summit. We chose a day with perfect weather. It was about 75 degrees, almost a tad too hot, can't imagine the people who do the hike during the summer months!
We went all the way to the highest point.
Once we got to the ladder parts, we thought we were almost there...
Nope. Still a long ways to go! And UP!
If you look closely you can see people climbing on the top right side.
Just to put into perspective how huge that mountain is...

We made it!! Sea Point down below.
(again you can see the hiking trail all the way at to bottom....)
You can even see our house from here. =) 
View of Table Mountain

View of the City Bowl from the other side.

Hiking down...careful not to's quite a ways.
     As for your lesson. Well its short and sweet but we have been compiling a list of things that South Africans say differently than us silly Americans. 
  • Traffic lights/Stop Lights --- Robot (They also drive on the left side of the road, and absolutely no turning on red. Not even to make an easy left.)
  • Elevator --- Lift
  • Bathroom --- Toilet 
  • Apartment --- Flat
  • Eggplant --- Brinjals
  • Zucchini --- Baby Marrow
  • Cookies --- Biscuit
  • Bill --- Cheque (This one is particularly funny. At restaurants here, similar to Europe, you have to as for a check if you want to leave the table. Otherwise they simply just let you sit as long as you'd like. So when we first arrived, we would flag them down and simply ask for the bill please. They would be like....huh?? We quickly learned its "check" or "SA Cheque" and always just cheque.)
  • BBQ --- Braai (South Africans are very proud of their Braais)
  • Gas --- Petrol
  • Ketchup --- Tomato Sauce
  • French fries --- Chips
  • Movie Theater --- Cinema
  • First floor --- Second Floor (This one is particularly tricky. So if they say such and such building 2nd floor. They actually mean 3rd floor. We say the 1st floor would be ground level, but they have you going up one floor. In writing this it sounds silly, but really its confusing...)
  • Grades --- Marks
  • Pickles --- Gherkin
  • Arugula --- Rocket
   (**Blue is an update**)

    That is all I have for now. I'm sure there are a million things I am missing/still learning to add to this list. But all in due time. Learning something new everyday. This place never ceases to amaze me. So long for now! Hugs and kisses to everyone. 

Happy 39th Birthday Mommy!!
Hope it's not stinky like his diaper was!! ;)

XOXO from Africa!