Monday, November 17, 2014

Adventures around town....

     Time seems to go super fast at the end of the year. Maybe it's because people have already started decorating for Christmas. (WAY too soon) Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here for obvious reasons, so they go right from halloween to "Hey! It's Christmas time!" This holiday season is going to be awfully lonely this year. With the absence of winter weather and our families, I think we are just going to skip the holidays all together. I am however ready to welcome in the new year. I have my fingers crossed for good things to come in 2015. (For all those hoping for still wont be that.)

     Lets get back to the present. October and November haven been pretty good months. 

     We had our first blackout. It did happen on a Sunday night which was pretty awful because Sunday is football night. Luckily our team was on at 11:30 pm, and it was only out for 2 hours.
View from window with power out.
View after the lights came back on.

     I was right in the middle of making dinner when everything went out. So we had to go out to the grocery store for some bread to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The picture on the left is our street without power. For some reason the camera made it look a lot brighter than it actually was. On the right had side we had a beautiful candlelit PB&J meal with lays potato chips...=(

     The weekend of my birthday we drove down to a place about 2 hours away called Hermanus Beach. During the months of September and October the whales go there to have their young and raise them up for a little while in shallow waters. It is 12 on the best places to watch whales in the world. 
If you look closely you can see a small whale fin sticking up.
    We didn't get to see a lot of whales that day. I guess it is hit or miss, we saw about 6 or 7. Some people get lucky and see 20+ and even some breaching from the water. Needless to say I was a little disappointed, but cant complain too much because I can see whales from my living room window. =)

Betty's Bay. Penguin colony.

This is literally "ocean spray"
I was very exciting to get a photo of this. It was so windy
that the waves were blowing backwards.

     I went to my first Drag Show. Beefcakes. Hahaha. It was not really what I expected. The show was only one "girl" singing on the stage and telling jokes. I expected like 10 men dressed up showing off their stuff. It was still fun and a new experience. No, Bobby did not attend this outing. I went with Bobby's boss Romeel's Wife's sister Shannon. She is visiting for California and wanted a buddy to go out with.
Bartender at Beefcakes...

The star of the show Princess Pop and Shannon.
    Finally our last big adventure up until this point was a restaurant called Die Strandloper. (The Sandpiper) It's on the beach in a town called Lagenbaan about 2 hours away from Cape Town. They are only open on the weekends and do lunch and dinner servings each day. So basically it is a "restaurant" on the beach (literally sand right on your toes) that gets seafood early in the morning and cooks it right away for both lunch and dinner. It is a 10 course meal, and about a 3-4 hour experience. I usually am not a huge fan of cooked fish, but this place was amazing! People are right when they say "fresher the better!" I don't think it gets any fresher than this.

Mussels. Never had them before...cant wait to have them again!

Fresh cooked bread! Mmm it was good!

Bokkoms (Harders)
**This was Bobby's favorite fish**

Grilling the Bokkoms

Fish Curry

In-between the meal you can walk out to the beach and dip your feet in.
We found some rock anemone. That was really cool to see all the beautiful colors.

Snubnose fish.... (also served smoked angelfish
with this course, not pictured because I didnt like it)
***My favorite! I cant even describe the flavor it was soooo goood***

Snoek with Apricot Jelly, and another one I forgot the name. 
Grilling up the Crawfish (Lobster)
Crawfish. This was really really tasty! 

Serving tables

The group after the meal....full!
From left- Romeel, Jasmina, Bobby, Jarita and Shannon.

      Another few months down. I feel like I post these blogs to keep everyone updated on what cool stuff we get to do here in Africa, but also because I am trying to tempt you to come visit. This place really has a lot to offer as far as scenery and outdoor adventure. Perhaps I need to post more winery photos to tempt some of you people. Cape Town has some of the best wineries in the world. Or perhaps you guys just like living vicariously through me. Thats fine too. =) Either way--- we love and miss you all. Hope everyone has a FaBuLoUs Thanksgiving! Think of me with every bite, because I can guarantee you I will be sad. It's my favorite holiday of the year. Take care everyone...
XOXO from Africa