Monday, February 16, 2015

Oops I missed January...

     HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! In the first week of January, I read an article about when to stop saying Happy New Year. It said usually in the first week... but since we haven't spoken yet, I assumed I'm safe.
The New Year fireworks seen from our living room.
The beach on New Years.
     Apparently January 1st everyone in Cape Town goes to the beach. I have never seen so many people on our "crappy" beach. I say crappy because you can clearly see that it isn't exactly a lounge around beach, but never-the-less people lined up. This picture hardly does it justice. Lets see what else has this new year brought us....Oh how could I forget. With the new year we got more load shedding. What is load shedding you ask? Basically, it is South Africa's way of saying they can't support enough energy for the people living here. So the people of the country are forced to be without power for a random "scheduled" 2 hours a day. Scheduled is in parenthesis because however it is scheduled on the website, they don't always follow it. Sometimes you will plan for the outage, then they wont turn if off....or you will be sitting doing something on the computer and suddenly poof no power.
     Okay, so what have we been up to? Well, not a whole lot. In fact, I have only a few pictures to show from the month hiatus from blogging. I have been doing A LOT of cooking, but i'm saving all the pictures to show as one huge slideshow for the end. #SpoilerNotReallyASpoiler. I kid you not folks, I take a picture of almost every single meal I eat. Sometimes at restaurants I forget, but all my home cooking is documented. I have taken 2,015 photos since we got here. I'd say a good portion of those are food pictures.
     January is a fun month because it means one thing. Football playoffs! We have spent many late evenings watching every single playoff game. With that comes seeing the sunrise...haha. In February our football team won the Superbowl!! That was a nice treat. It felt like a South African gift. Something finally went our way. We stayed up all night, woke the entire Atlantic seaboard when we won the game in the last 20 seconds!  =)
This is the sun coming up on the night of the SUPER BOWL! 
   Recently we went to a Kite Surfing Competition in Big Bay. We had never seen kite surfing before, so we thought it would be neat to check it out. Too windy. haha. Unfortunately for the competition, they need lots of wind...but to be a bi-stander its way too windy and cold. Let me remind you that it's summer and we were still chilly. (Clearly from the desert.)

Surfers warming up.

I'm the worst selfie taker ever!

This was during the competition
     That is really all I have to share right now. We are moving out of our flat for the month of March. So we are planning to do some fun stuff while we are at a guesthouse in Rondebosch. Promise to document and have a new post in March. As always...XOXO from Africa.