Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3 Events in March

     March. Wow! Heck March is nearly over, it's practically April. I can't believe we are almost 4 months into 2015. Why does time go so fast when you get older? I remember being 8 for like 10 years! Why don't we listen to our parents when they tell us to just be a kid because we will be adults forever? Do you think I'm getting wiser with age? Haha. Yeah probably not. ^Leave it to me to take this off on a tangent. Speaking of tangents, man I hated geometry in school. Okay, so back to March. We spent the month away from our "South African Home" in the guesthouse in Rondebosch. Never thought I say this, but I missed the seagull noises. This side of the mountain is like a different world. The sun sets nearly two hours before it does on the ocean side. Alright I have three events to share with you from the month.

  • Our trip to Robben Island. For those of you who are not familiar, Robben Island is the prison where Nelson Mandela (18 years), and many others spent time behind bars as political prisoners. It is hard to fathom that South Africa recently (1994) ended their apartheid. It was a very eye opening trip into the not so distant past. 

View from Robben Island looking towards Cape Town. You can barely see Table Mountain.

Mandela's Cell

View from the ferry on way back to Cape Town

  • Bobby got a job and we are moving out of Africa! Do you ever feel like you don't know how to set something up, so instead you just blurt it out? ^ That just happened. =) Hurray!!! Bobby accepted a post-doctoral position at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Champaign is a small college town about 2 hours south of Chicago. Lots of corn, lots of snow and lots of flatlands. I can say that we are looking forward to living in a town with seasons. I think the average high in the summer is around 85. Definitely going to be an experience, and again, it is nothing permanent. The life of a scholar seems similar to a traveling nomad. In a way we are happy to do it, eventually we will tie down and put some roots in the ground. But until then we are going to continue to journey around. 

  • We celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary tasting wine in Constantia and dining at Myoga. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing my day was. First we went to the winery. Had a tour of the wine making process and facility. Then we tasted 5 wines. We even got to taste the #1 Chardonnay in the WORLD. (<---as of three days ago)

My favorite was the last one on the right side. It was called the
governours wine. It was a red blend, mostly merlot and cab.
Wine aging =)

Gosh I love him! 

        Next stop was dinner. Oh man! I'm getting excited just writing about this.  Myoga is a fusion restaurant that tries (and succeeds) to incorporate flavors from all over the world. We ordered the 7 course tasting menu. I took a picture of each course I selected. I am going to try and list all that I had to the best of my ability.

Course #1. Tickler. The starter before the starter.
- Tomato puree thing...lol
-Squid ink fried ball
-Chicken and pistachio
-Aged chedder cigar (egg roll looking thing)

Bread platter

Course #2. All white scallop

Course #3. Veal Schnitzel
*I think this was my favorite. Hard to pick just one.

Course #4. Herb Frittata with wild mushrooms

Course #5. Lime Lemongrass sorbet
Back one is Bobby's Kalamansi 

Course #6. Beef Shin with beets
(I can honestly say I am not a fan of beets, but damn
I scraped the plate clean. To be fair I scraped every plate clean.)

Course #7. Alota Chocolate
Just as it sounds. A LOT of chocolate.
Even that ice cream was chocolate flavored.

Surprise course #8. Dessert version of the tickler.
-Dark Chocolate ball
-White chocolate and pistachio
-White chocolate with mint sauce (egg roll)
-Strawberry cream shooter
     The idea was to have symmetry in the meal. We started and ending with seemingly the same thing. Wow! I can't even tell you how good this was. Poor Bobby had to hear me rave about it after each bite. He considered at one point video taping me eat, but we decided against that...lol. Lisa I eat like you, with every bite, it's..."Mmmmmm!" I forgot to mention that I went with the courses that also paired with wine. I didn't take a picture of the wines, but man, again sooooooo good! This restaurant was so good that I have already talked Bobby into taking me back before we leave! 

That is all for now. XOXOXO....See ya soon! 
Cheers from South Africa