Sunday, July 26, 2015

Last days in Cape Town and Kruger Park

     Most of you already know, we're back! Yay! We enjoyed our 18 months in Africa, but very happy to be on home soil again. I know it was been some time now, so if you will bear with me, I would like to take you back to the end of May, beginning of June.
 Our last few days in Cape Town went by quickly. 
  • We were able to make it to Cape Point. 

The most southwestern tip of the African continent.
Very beautiful mountain range over looking the waters below.
  •    The top of Table Mountain.
Pano up top.

You can see our old house just over Lions Head. =)

Taking the cable car down.
     After our time was up in Cape Town, we headed to Johannesburg to spend a few days before ending our trip in Kruger National Park for Bobby's work conference. In Joburg we had very little time, so we chose to spend it at the Cradle of Humankind. We took a private tour of a live dig site.
That hole in the middle has taken 20 years!!

   After two nights it was off to Kruger Park! 
Hotel in Kruger. Lots of roaming monkeys.
Our first day we decided not to go into the park, but to drive to ex-park rangers house to see Jessica the Hippo. Watch the video to learn more. It's an amazing story.

Feeding Jessica

Giving Jessica a bottle of tea

The newest member Richie. 3 yrs old.
 Inside Kruger Park!

The lone giraffe. 
Just a herd of elephants crossing the road!
Zebras grazing.
Giant rhinos eating by the road.
   Kruger Park was simply amazing. Showing a few photos doesn't do it proper justice. Seeing those animals in their natural habitat going about their normal lives is indescribable. If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it. We did in total 5 drives into the park, each day seeing something different. One of my favorite moments was on the night drive we got to see a pack of Hyenas. I didn't capture the moment on film, but surely have it ingrained in my memory forever. South Africa offered Bobby and myself lots of opportunity to explore uncharted territory. We are grateful for the experience, but glad to be back. Our next chapter, perhaps my final chapter for awhile, Urbana Illinois. 
Next week --- I will introduce our newest family member and the journey to our new home.