Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stargazing and Wine

     April. April. April. I feel like I say this every time, but dang time is going fast this year! We have moved back into our apartment for the remainder of our stay in Cape Town! (48 days and counting....but who's counting...) I would like to say it's easier to be here in the apartment with all the noise, knowing that we are going home soon, but it actually makes me more homesick. I lay in bed at night and dream of In-N-Out or a MOM-cooked meal. We are such nerds that basically every day we have a conversation about what we want to do first when we get home. As many of you can probably guess, it includes food. I would also like to give out a few good and long hugs. Soon enough. First we have to get all the best we can out of Africa with the time left.

     Now that our adventure is coming to an end, we have been trying to squeeze things in for the last two months. We still have quite a list of things to get done before we go, but this month we have accomplished two. =) Our first check box was a trip to Sutherland. The second check box which also happens to be an ongoing check box...hehe...was a winery trip to Paarl. Luckily you can never taste test too much wine! 

  • Sutherland is located in the Northern Cape province. Home of the largest optical telescope in the southern hemisphere. So being married to an astronomer, warrants a 4 hour drive to see it. Hehe. We drove out to tour the telescope facilities and to also do a little stargazing. 

Bobby standing in front of SALT

I have never seen such an amazing view of the stars
    The stargazing part of the trip was by a local man in the town who sets up private group viewings of the stars. We had dinner at his house, then he takes you out to his 11 inch telescopes and tours the evening sky with you. Absolutely breathtaking. Being out in the middle of nowhere really gets an amazing view of the sky. WOW. I really cant even begin to explain the awesome views we had. Only down side of the STARs to Midnight---hehe---Sutherland is the coldest place in South Africa. Boy was it cold!

 Huguenot Tunnel. 
2.5 miles through the mountain! YIKES

  • Wine  =) All along the way to Sutherland and back to Cape Town we probably passed 50 wineries. We stopped at two on the way back in Paarl. Fairview and Spice Route. Spice Route was giant facility that not only had wine but also a brewery and 4 restaurants. Fairview had the traditional wine tasting, but they are also well known for their cheese. Very yummy! 
One of the many wineries on the drive.
MMMmmm Amber Weiss local brew @ Spice Route.
Fairview wine tasting.

Driving home....greeted by the fabulous FOG!!! NOOOOOO
Winter is coming! ;)

     The weekends are quickly filling up. We are very excited about our next trip. VICTORIA FALLS! In the first week of May we are flying to Zimbabwe to visit the falls. My next blog will have lots of beautiful photos to share. That is all for now. As always, much love to everyone. See you all very soon!
 XOXO from Africa

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