Thursday, August 13, 2015

Journey to Champaign

     The final chapter. The journey to Champaign begins. After spending some time with my family in Las Vegas and seeing some friends, we headed out on the road for Austin, Tx. You cant't drive from Las Vegas to Austin without stopping in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I can only think of one reason for stopping --- WALTER WHITE. After the very long drive, we could think of no thing better to do than a mini Breaking Bad tour.
Heisenberg's house! 

"It's All Good Man" This was my favorite part.

Can't forget the car wash!
Las Vegas to Austin = 1,266 miles. 
     We spent a little over a week in Austin visiting Bobby's family and some friends. While we were in Austin, we picked up a new member of the family. Bobby talked me into getting a Siamese kitten. It just so happened that Austin has a giant Siamese rescue, so we decided that it might be better to get the cat while in Austin instead of waiting until we got to Champaign for more options. Our 8 week old Lynx Point Siamese =) . Her name works for both of us--- me loving Harry Potter and Bob being the Astrophysicist that he's perfect. Ladies and Gentleman, I give to you....Luna.

She is pretty adorable

Loves being upside down. 

     After the cat was picked up, it was time to head to our "final" destination. Well we couldn't make a trip from Texas to Illinois without stopping in Memphis, TN first.

The living room

RIP Elvis

Oh and lets not forget the all important...
                            Peabody Ducks!

**Think this was more of a kid thing, but I guess now we can say we've seem them =) **

Austin to Champaign = 1,033

   We are officially Champaign residents. Well technically we live in Urbana (the two towns are right on top of each other). We made great progress in finding a home. Only had to stay in a hotel for about 7 days. That was really fun with a kitten... in the event you were wondering. Anyway, Urbana is home for the next year. Possibly two and even possibly forever? Ehh...I don't know. This town seems cute, I for sure enjoy the quiet at night time. No more fog horns!!!! YAY! Happy me. Now the only sound we hear in the morning is Luna meowing for us to wake up. She is pretty obsessive. Requires a lot of human attention. Looking forward to her lazy days in her older cat years. I wont be doing much blogging for awhile..., not too much I am going to need to update everyone on. Unless you are interested in corn, we certainly see a lot of that around here. Looking forward to seeing the seasons, and maybe some snow. =) Hope everyone enjoyed their summer and thanks for following along on the adventure. As always, XOXO!
       Hillary, Bobby and Luna =)


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