Sunday, June 29, 2014

Best experience ever!!!!

     Yesterday we went Shark Diving!!! Not sure exactly why they call it shark DIVING, it's more like cage viewing. Doesn't really matter what they call it I guess, it's the coolest thing I have ever done! (Besides being on a boat rocking back and fourth for four hours...I could of done without that!) Great White Sharks are amazing!! I have been to aquariums that have sharks, but nothing compares to being underwater with them in their natural habitat.
     Originally we had arranged to go on June 14th, but the weather had other plans and we were rescheduled for yesterday the 28th. It could not have worked out better, the weather was amazing yesterday. Perfectly clear skies that allowed us to see nearly to the bottom of the ocean. In the bay area were the sharks hunt the seals, it is at its deepest about 90 ft. Now it's still winter here so the air temperature was 65 degrees. The water, we were told was about 60 degrees, but I would say otherwise. When we got into the cage it was shockingly cold! So cold that I couldn't even breathe correctly with the snorkel. Too much hyperventilation. I really am from the desert. (I couldn't stop thinking about how Jack froze to death because Rose wouldn't share that damn piece of wood with him!)
     We spent about 25 minutes in the cage watching the sharks. They throw out fish parts on a rope to attract them to the area. Then they quickly pull it away before they eat it. Sounds kind of cruel, but it's really for their protection. People aren't allowed to feed the sharks or the seals. They are still completely wild animals. I think they said we saw about 11 different sharks yesterday while we were out there. One of them was about 13 feet long! Terrifying! Not really--- but goodness gracious this beast was massive! Such a strange feeling to have your boat be completely surrounded by circling great white sharks.
     So anyway- we were on the boat for about 4 1/2 hours, 2 of those hours I was sitting in one spot concentrating on the horizon. Me and boats aren't friends. Thankfully I was able to hold it all together. I just wasn't able to look down at anything. But on top of all that, I still think this was the best experience ever. Bobby and I are already hoping that someone comes to visit us soon so we can go again. Next time i'll be sure to take the motion sickness pills. Bellow I have put together a little video. Just to give you all a small look into our adventure. And perhaps a little something to make you jealous.

**Due to human error, it appears that twice I wrote Sea Island instead of Seal Island. My apologies.**

The "selfie" I will be taking after all adventures!
(In the car after getting back from the boat)


  1. This is such a great idea, I will be following for sure. I'm glad you had fun caging with the sharks lol This is the closest I will get to that experience because I am not trying to get in close proximity with a shark! Miss you, be safe:)

    1. Najla you're so sweet. If just one person is reading I'm happy. Thanks for following along. =)
