Friday, June 6, 2014

Is this thing on??

Yay! I think I did it...

     In the event you don't already know, we officially live in South Africa. Cape Town to be exact. To be even more exact we live in a suburb called Sea Point. Sea Point is on the west side facing the Atlantic Ocean. Every day I look out the window I can see the tip of Florida! Not really but I imagine I can. We have been here for 4 months, 26 days. (But who's counting.....ok I know my mom at least is...)
     The process of moving to a foreign land is challenging. Starting from jet lag all the way to different sugar varieties. Lets not forget everything else in-between. For the first 3 months of living here, we were staying in vacation rentals. The first one for 2 1/2 weeks, second for 4 weeks, third for 1 week, intermit trip to Japan for 10 days, and the final one for 2 1/2 weeks. We were traveling nomads living out of suitcases. It was rough.
     The housing market in Cape Town was booming when we arrived. The Rand or Zar (South African Currency) was plummeting which caused a huge influx of people into the area. **Mostly those of European decent. To this day, I haven't seen a single random American. <-----Sad fact.** With all the people and not a lot of places for rent it caused mayhem. We would find a place we liked, book a time with the agent, and upon showing up there would be 15 other people there as well. Complete nightmare. After countless flops in the search we found one place that we really really liked...along with 20 other people. We applied and basically just crossed our fingers. We got a call from the agent saying the owners narrowed it down between us and another couple. We got an email the next day saying they chose the other couple. Based on what, we will never know. Back to the search.
     Two weeks later I stumbled on this gem in Sea Point listed on gumtree that was available March 1st. *Gumtree is equivalent to Craigslist* I called the agent and she said she could show it later on in the week. Then she emailed me cancelling saying the current tenant was extending another month, so it wouldn't be available until April 1st. I emailed her back and said that was fine, but we still wanted to see the apartment as soon as possible. We got in to see the place the following week, fell absolutely in love, and knew it was what we wanted. The agent called us after leaving the property to ask what we thought. In the car on the drive home we said we "we'll take it". The rest is history.
The big giant eye sore on the coast line. That's us. 20th floor. 

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