Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sunshine and chicken?? Yes please.

      Hi everyone. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." I'm serious I am freezing! Is this where the saying Christmas in July comes from? The southern hemisphere?? =) Most days have been in the low 60s and 50s. June is the rain season, so we have been seeing a lot of this from the windows.

     Thankfully the sun decided to grace us with its presence yesterday, so we took full advantage. It was a beautiful 70 degrees and no wind. I know that's something my friends in Las Vegas can really appreciate right about now, NO WIND. So we took to the streets. Well first we walked the boardwalk/beach then we doubled back on the main road to do some shopping. In total it was about 3 miles. Wearing cute shoes was a bad idea. =( I couldn't wait to get home to yank them off. 

Haha you think the wind blows here??
Sea Gull in flight! I didn't mean to capture that,
I was trying to get him sitting. Turned out better!
Best part of this photo: There is a man about
shoulder high to MY left sleeping on the rocks.
The saying we use for that is : TIA (This is Africa)
     By shopping of course I mean grocery. On such a beautiful day I had no choice but to make a yummy dinner and some chocolate chip cookies. Being the foody that I am, I am always trolling the internet for my next recipe to try. Last night I made baked sweet and sour chicken. (

     This was a successful dinner. 7 out of 10. The sauce was amazing and overall it's so simple. Well besides the mess! I always find that when you flash fry something, pour sauce over it to bake, it loses the crunch. Personally I'm all about the crunchy chicken. So next time I think I will just fry all the way and make the sauce on the stove top. I also added the pineapple, next time I will definitely add some bell peppers and carrots too.  

An empty dish is a good sign.
Cant forget the cookies!
(Ovens are only big enough to hold a pan that
 makes 6 cookies at a time. Lets just say
baking cookies becomes a 2 day event.)
On the bright side--warm fresh cookies are best.
That's all for now. We have some fun things coming up for the next two weekends so stay tuned. Love and miss you all. GO team USA!!! 

Oh and Happy 99th Birthday Great Grandmother!

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